At the stockroom Steve and Dave arrive with Mr K. Steve needs Michael to kill Tahir Javan, who Steve and Dave say is connected to terrorism. Tahir Javan has had a varying media framework set up by Mr K and is their sole wellspring of information. Haines advises Michael to run with Dave to find and find Tahir.
Michael and Dave go to a house in Los Santos which ends up being a false lead. Steve orders Trevor to torment Mr K to figure out Tahir's area.
Trevor torments Mr K in one of four ways; waterboarding, beating with a wrench, electric stuns from an auto battery or tooth extraction. In the event that Trevor goes too far there is dependably a fix of adrenaline to draw him back, this should be possible up to four times.
Mr K uncovers that he is at a shoreline house, when Michael and Dave land there is a gathering going on and nobody there can be certainly recognized as Tahir. On Steves guidelines Trevor torments Mr K further to figure out that Tahir is of normal tallness, has a whiskers and chain smokes left gave. Michael distinguishes the man and kills him.
Haines, back at the stockroom, chooses Mr K isn't required and arranges Trevor to slaughter him when he clears out. Trevor however takes Mr K out of the distribution center and takes him to the airplane terminal.
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